A 6-week 1:1 coaching experience like nothing you’ve ever seen before. This capsule is designed to take you through your options, consider your skills, align your values, and find the role you will love. If you position yourself strategically, you will be an asset to any company and have a clear plan of action to take you to your desired role!

This is the only coaching program that will transform your career trajectory and leverage all your skills, including those you don’t consider marketable. Your value shoots through the roof exponentially.


The value of your skills has never been questioned. However, you stayed in a place where your values were underappreciated, and you began to doubt yourself.


What you bring to the table is much more than you allow yourself credit for. Unearth career direction that stands to make you more fulfilled and connect them to your values, purpose, and skills.


Your expertise is the main currency in the job market but you are only as good as you look. You will come out of this program with a well planned, well packaged vehicle that conveys your unique expertise and gets you the 6 figure packaged I’ve gotten for myself and my clients.

The Career Alignment Package is also meant for individuals who have just relocated into the country.

We assist you with:

  • Understanding the accreditation procedure for your field.
  • Creating a job search action plan.
  • Practice mock interviews.
  • Review of Resumes and Cover Letter.
  • Evaluation of job offers.
  • Employer Targeting.
  • Mentoring.