Hello, I’m Tutu Soetan. Twenty years ago, I began my consulting career. What I have gathered from landing executive and leadership positions in top firms like Lloyds and New York Stock Exchange, JP Morgan to mention a few, has led me to help other professionals reach the peak of their careers through coaching and strategy.

 I know what you need to do to get where you need to get in your career.

 I know about ambition, the drive to get to the top. I also know that ambition without a strategic plan will lead you in circles. I will help you use your skills and experience to get the career your drive demands!


You can get the job, career, and life you want if you give yourself the chance, tools, and confidence to go after it. Let’s bring your vision to life.

After successfully navigating my career, I can confidently say that I have helped many career men and women land fulfilling roles and 5 figure salaries.


 I can help you too!


My mission is to ensure that no one stays redundant or unfulfilled at a job because they can see no way out!

Every client that works with me gets to have all of my experience, authentic insight, and relevant tools to make their career journey a smoother and more fulfilling one.